Fig. 11. Steady-state pHi of C2PLKO.1 and C2NHE2KD cells. (A) steady-state pHi values of C2PLKO.1 and C2NHE2KD cells measured during perfusion with HEPES buffer followed by calibration with pH6.5 and pH7.0 solution gassed with O2. (B) steady-state pHi values of C2PLKO.1 and C2NHE2KD cells measured during perfusion with HCO3-/CO2 buffer followed by calibration with pH6.5 and pH7.0 solution gassed with CO2. Under both condition the steady-state pHi of C2NHE2KD cells was significantly lower compared to that of C2PLKO.1 cells (n=3-4, mean ± SEM, unpaired student t-test, **p< 0.01).